Live & Work Remote in Mauritius

Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.
Ralph Blum
In the last 12 months, many of us have learnt to adapt to very new ways of working, studying and even new ways of living. The experiences and lessons learned have allowed for growth and evolution of the way we think, do and act. The changes, small or radical, have led to opportunities lost BUT many more opportunities gained.

A new opportunity means a fresh start. It brings with it so many wonderful and exciting possibilities!

Mauritius, a spectacular little island nation lying off the eastern coast of Africa, could be exactly what you need for your new beginning. The Mauritius Premium Visa enables those who have been thinking about relocating to Mauritius, long-term, to kick-start the process.

What is the Mauritius Premium Visa and how can it help me work remotely?

Whilst the visa does not allow you to take up employment in the Mauritius Labour market, it provides the opportunity for professionals to come with their families and carry out business or work remotely from Mauritius. The main place of business and primary source of income and profits should be outside Mauritius. Retirees and tourists are also welcome on this visa type.

How much does the remote work Mauritius Premium Visa cost?

The Premium Visa is free of charge, with no cost for processing or issuance.

Who is able to apply for the remote work Premium Visa?

Non-citizens are able to apply for this VISA and are necessary for tourists, retirees or remote workers who intend to stay in Mauritius for more than 180 days after arrival. It is the perfect way to “test the waters” in Mauritius if you are thinking about and planning on a long-term stay and relocation to Mauritius.

Is the remote work Premium Visa valid for up to one year and is it renewable?

Yes, it is valid for ONE year and is renewable.

What do I need in order to qualify for the remote work Premium Visa?

The qualifying criteria are straightforward and will all be facilitated on an online platform. Documentary evidence to support the application are some of the basic requirements.

Such examples of this include:

  • Purpose of visit
  • Accommodation
  • Proof of long term stay plans
  • Sufficient travel
  • Health insurance

Applications will need to:

1. Provide proof of their long-term stay and future plans in Mauritius.

2. Provide Travel & Health Insurance coverage.

Applicants from countries listed and approved by the Economic Development Board, Mauritius are eligible for the Premium Visa application.

What are the criteria needed to be met in order to qualify for the Premium Visa applications?

i. applicant should not enter the Mauritius labour market;
ii. the main place of business and/or source of income and profits should be outside Mauritius;
iii. documentary evidence to support the application such as the purpose of visit, accommodation etc.; and
iv. other basic immigration requirements.

Mauritius Activites | Immigrating to Mauritius
Mauritius Activites 2 | Immigrating to Mauritius

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Start your journey home by downloading the Bolt Home Mauritius mobile app, your digital gateway to all the information you could possibly need to make your move to Mauritius as seamless as possible.
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