Relocation Services to Mauritius

Our partner networks’ comprehensive range of relocation services and professional staff coordinate all aspects of your relocation into one seamless service.

The relocation process typically follows three distinct phases namely, pre-departure, arrival and settling-in. Pre-arrival support is key to the service because it provides a chance to explain the local conditions, discuss lifestyle options and address any anxieties that different members of the family may be experiencing due to lack of accurate information and so on.

It is also important to help the relocating employee/family to set realistic expectations. There’s no substitute for first-hand knowledge.

Whether you are relocating for work, opening or buying a business, investing in property or retiring on the island, our partner network endeavours to make a positive difference to the lives of people we meet.

A full range of relocation services are available as outlined below:

Our Concierge Service

Concierge | Immigrating to Mauritius
Bolt Home Mauritius offers a Concierge Service dedicated to making your relocation journey to Mauritius a seamless endeavour.

Get in Touch

If you are interested in finding out more about an opportunity to live, work, study, invest or retire in Mauritius, reach out to the Bolt Home Mauritius Concierge Service by kindly completing the below:

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Start your journey home by downloading the Bolt Home Mauritius mobile app, your digital gateway to all the information you could possibly need to make your move to Mauritius as seamless as possible.
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