Mauritius Vaccination Campaign 2nd Dose Vaccine Dates

The Mauritian Ministry of Health and wellness, alongside the World Health organization Mauritius, implemented The Vaccination Campaign in Mauritius which rolled out earlier this year. In order to achieve herd immunity, and what was aimed to be achieved this year, the 2nd dose for vaccination has been rolled out with many 2nd doses taking place over the next 10 days (as of 17 May 2021).

Please note that for those persons residing at Riviere des Anguilles, Batimarais, St Aubin, Tyack, and Chateau Benares (Red Zones) and whose 2nd dose of Covishield vaccine were scheduled at Riviere des Anguilles Village Hall on the 15th, 17th, 18th and 19th May 2021, have now been been rescheduled for Tuesday 18th May 2021 as from 09:00 hours to 15:00 hours at Riviere des Anguilles Village Hall.

However, those residing outside the Red Zones and whose 2nd dose were scheduled on the 15th, 17th, 18th and 19th May 2021 are requested not to attend the Riviere des Anguilles Village Hall vaccination centre on those above-mentioned dates. They will be informed by phone for their 2nd dose in due course.

All persons attending the respective vaccination sites are kindly requested to bring their National Identity Card and COVID-19 Vaccination Card on the date of appointment


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Please remember to be aware during these times, and to stay safe! Here are some tips and tricks to remember, and keep in mind when you are going to get your 2nd dose of the vaccine:

  • Know the facts – protect others and yourself by understanding and taking the appropriate precautions
  • Clean your hands often – use water and soap, or an alcohol-based sanitiser
  • KEEP YOUR DISTANCE – maintain a safe distance from those around you, and maintain a safe distance from those who are coughing or sneezing
  • WEAR A MASK! – Do not touch your eyes, your month or your nose
  • COUGH OR SNEEZE INTO YOUR ARM – bend your elbow and cough or sneeze into your arm if you do not have a tissue
  • If you do not feel well and you show symptoms, seek medical attention. CALL IN ADVANCE.

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