Economy: Mauritius Ranked Africa’s Most Developed African Country

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Economy: Mauritius Ranked Africa’s Most Developed African Country Yes, you read right, Mauritius ranked most developed African country: Mauritius has overtaken Seychelles, being the “first African country in the annual ranking of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Observers study the Human Development Index (HDI). The top 10 Most Developed African Countries are: Mauritius (0.804) … Read more

The Sino-Mauritian Community in Mauritius

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The Sino-Mauritian Community in Mauritius With Chinese New Year Celebrations around the corner, we’re all interested in finding out more about the Sino-Mauritian Community in Mauritius. Mauritius is known as a cultural melting-pot. Above all it is a beautiful and colourful cultural kaleidoscope. That is why Mauritians pride themselves on living in complete harmony with … Read more

The Mauritian Diaspora Scheme

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The Mauritian Diaspora Scheme The Mauritian Diaspora Scheme is incentive rich and aims to attract Mauritian nationals living abroad back to Mauritius. They want to allow Mauritian Migrants to contribute and aid in the development of the economy of Mauritius. The Mauritian government strongly believes that the globally dispersed Mauritian Community is of utmost importance … Read more

Mauritius Independence Day

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Mauritius Independence Day In celebration of Independence Day Mauritius, 12 March 2021, we would like to delve not into the history of the island but rather into celebrating the present. We look into the “why”. Why do you love Mauritius? What makes Mauritius worth celebrating? Mauritian Independence: The beautiful island of Mauritius, situated in the … Read more

Learn Creole: 10 Creole Words & Expressions to Learn Before You Make a Move to Mauritius

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10-creole-words-expressions-to-learn-before-you-make-a-move-to-mauritius/ Are you wondering how to occupy yourself during your flight to Mauritius? Hold on, I’ve got a great one! Why don’t you learn Creole words and expressions? As they say, the best way to have a full experience of a country is to immerse yourself in the country’s culture. Learning some Creole words will … Read more

The Mauritius Vaccination Campaign

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Mauritian Quarantine and Health Protocols The Covid-19 Mauritius Vaccination Campaign has been implemented. AstraZeneca/Covishield Vaccine Starting Monday 1st March 2021, the AstraZeneca/Covishield vaccine will be available to people aged 60 and above, as well as to those suffering from chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory disorders, renal failure, cancers, etc…). Those eligible for a vaccination … Read more

Mauritius Vaccination Campaign 2nd Dose Vaccine Dates

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Mauritius Vaccination Campaign 2nd Dose Vaccine Dates The Mauritian Ministry of Health and wellness, alongside the World Health organization Mauritius, implemented The Vaccination Campaign in Mauritius which rolled out earlier this year. In order to achieve herd immunity, and what was aimed to be achieved this year, the 2nd dose for vaccination has been rolled … Read more

Information about Mauritius: Introduction to the History of Mauritius

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Information about Mauritius: Introduction to the History of Mauritius Would you like to find more information about Mauritius? Mauritius is a beautiful island of opportunity, investment, nature, culture and more! Where is Mauritius located? Information frequently searched around Mauritius is location. Mauritius, officially the Republic of Mauritius, is an island in the Indian Ocean about … Read more

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